oleh: Sulaiman
This study
argues that the more localized interpretation the easier for ordinary people to understand
the intent and purpose of the Qur’an. Form of interpretation that
utilizes the language of local
community facilitates more access to the Qur'an in terms of comprehension and implementation.
This is evidenced
by the Qur’anic exegesis by Daud Ismail who presented the
arrangement and style of interpretation by using Bugis language which is more easily accepted and understood by Bugis
community. This was a response to the fact that many
Qur’anic interpretation mostly uses Arabic language that contains technical
terms related to science of balaghah, nah}wu,
s}arf, that sometimes confuses the readers who are not familiar with
Arabic and Qur’anic science.
dissertation confirms the argument of
Muh}ammad al-Fa>dil
ibn ‘A<shu>r in al-Tafsi>r wa Rijāluhu>, that an explanation or interpretation
of the Qur’an should uses a
language which is easily understood
by the community. Indeed, this is in accord with the verse: وماأرسلناك من
رسول إلا بلسان قومهم ليبين لهم.
This research is a qualitative one by using interpretive approach.
The main source of this dissertation is based on Daud Ismail’s Tafsīr al-Munīr. In attempt to
analyze the methodology aspect, it draws on several books of ‘Ulūm al-Qur'an and interpretation (tafsi>r), be it classic or modern
one. The data is analyzed with standard interpretation science (‘ilm tafsir)
that comprises interpretation method and content analysis. This study uses
discourse analysis theory to understand the interpretation while employing
interpretation approach to analyze the existing data.